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Dakota Leflaive

Account Management

Speciality coffee is sourced from the highest quality beans that have been graded by experts.  Certain characteristics such as their size, colour, numbers of defects and cup quality are ranked and graded and a value of over 80 is classed as a specialty coffee.  Just because you are using speciality coffee beans doesn’t always guarantee a quality cup of coffee however and getting the grind correct can make all the difference between an average coffee and an excellent one.

Using the incorrect coffee grind size or the wrong length of water contact time could produce a bitter or weak brew. It is really important to note that dark roasted beans are more soluble (as they have been exposed to more heat for longer) and as a result, will extract faster. The grind size needs to be adjusted to the type of roast.

Which Grinder?

The machine you select for your coffee will depend on the brewing method needed and the grain size required.  A grinder allows you to control the grind size enabling you to produce fine grinds for espressos and coarser for Cafetieres.

There are two types of grinders:

Blade Grinders have a rotating blade that slices up the coffee into pieces like a blender. These are a cheaper alternative but do not always produce the best quality grind. They create non uniform sized particles within the batch and when brewed in any method, the large particles will under extract and the small particles will over extract producing substandard coffee.

Burr grinders use two mechanical burrs or plates that crush the coffee between one stationary plate and a rotating one. They can be conical or flat in shape with flat producing the most even and consistent particle size and are therefore the most expensive grinders on the market and widely used in Industry. However, not all burr grinders are created equally! Click through to learn about the main problems created by Paddle Coffee Grinders.

Automatic or Manual Grinder

Both grinders work well but manual grinders tend to be cheaper than automatic ones. Manual grinders can also be more time consuming to function but generally more portable as they are smaller and mostly handheld. Lower quality electric grinders can behave like a blade grinder, so it is important to invest in a high-end quality electric grinder which will help achieve a consistently brewed, quality cup of coffee. The more sophisticated versions even have many grind size setting options offering more flexibility, but the downside is that they can be noisy and replacement parts tend to be expensive.

Measure your coffee accurately every time

A large part of making a great coffee is down to knowing how much to use. Not enough coffee can result in a weak, thin brew but too much can give it a sour, bitter taste. An ideal coffee to water ratio is 16:1 meaning 1 part coffee to 16 parts water. This accuracy is key and will limit waste and ensure an optimal brew.

Grind your coffee fresh!

Finally, it is highly recommended by coffee aficionados worldwide to always grind your coffee fresh and waste no time before starting the brewing process. Pre ground coffee becomes stale much faster than whole beans and therefore grinding coffee in advance will not make that supreme cup!

There are many ideas to consider here but the great news is that every barista can have the tools to create a unique cup of coffee exclusive to themselves due to there being so much flexibility in the methods of production.